FEELING: steady HEARING: Sitting down here- lene marlin IN THE MOOD FOR: A raspberry soda.
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+ last saturday, we had a drinking session at manolo's place. (minus the puking well) we played truth or fib and all the other silly games to make the clueless ones stupid.
+ March 24 is the last day of work for biggs and jocel. gonna miss you guys.
+ Sandra's leaving on march 10. pare! i'll miss you.
+ I have a photo shoot next sunday. I'm actually excited.
+ work is not as bad as I think it is.
+ the new dudes, Tino and Karlo are cool to hang with.
FEELING: Sleepy HEARING: do you sleep? IN THE MOOD FOR: a pillow
I was feeling a little sad so I decided to visit my friend Manolo at the manila polo club. He works at gymboree. I like his work environment. I think I'm gonna join in someday. haha.. i'd consider that as a breather before I join the corporate world once again. my current job is wearing me out big time. The place hasnt changed a bit. it still boasts of its unconformed elegance. (reminds me of the early 80's. I dunno why but it does.) People speaking in spanish. haha.. just like the old movies from the 80's when speaking in spanish depicted aristocracy. como le parece? hehe.